Field Trips
The largest Colonial event
West of the Mississippi!

Field Trips
Please Register your School or Group:
(All Fields are Required)

Freedom's Light Festival Field Trip
Register your school, class or group’s field trip!
There are over 45 things to do and see so plan enough time.
It takes 4 hours to do everything. We will give you a brief orientation when you arrive.
When you register, we will email you a “Do you know…” booklet to help you prepare and get the most out of the event.
Thu, Fri, Sat, September 19, 20, 21, 2024
Booths and Presentations:

Founding Fathers
Come meet the Founding Fathers face to face and hear their inspiring stories of trial, defeat and victories!
Do you know these names? Dr Benjamin Rush, Benjamin Banneker, Gouvernor Morris, James Armistead, Marquis De Lafayette, Abraham Clark, Prince Whipple? They all did amazing things to secure our freedom!
Listen to their stories…

Founding Mothers
Come meet the Founding Mothers face to face and hear their amazing stories of trial, victories and defeats!
Visit with Lydia Darragh, Elizabeth Freeman, Phillis Wheatley, Emily Geiger, Mary Katherine Goddard, Marcy Otis Warren, and more of these patriots.
They didn’t let their fear stop them from doing courageous things to secure our freedom!

The Artisans
Learn what life was like during Colonial America.
Numerous hands-on Artisan exhibits. You get to experience Colonial Life first hand
Try your hand on Founder Isaiah Thomas’ printing press, make a candle at the Chandlery, check out the Blacksmith. Find out how a Cooper makes a bucket: No nails or glue and no leaks!

Bill of Rights
Do you know what your rights are?
Have fun playing games and through activities to learn about the Bill of Rights! You don’t have to sit at a desk to learn what your rights are and why they matter to you. Have fun learning through games and experiences!
The first ten amendments to the constitution. Limitations on the government put in place to keep you free!
We have a LONG list of Players for you to meet, listen to and learn from...
Joan of Arc – What is a French girl doing at an American event?
The Mayflower – A 12 ft long exact replica of the original Mayflower. Learn all about the ship and the people that came on it.
Governor William Bradford – The 3rd Governor of Plymouth and changed America single handedly.
George Washington – Meet him and his granddaughter Nellie who taught him how to let his hair down.
Thomas Jefferson – Meet him and learn where he got his ideas for the Declaration of Independence.
Mercy Otis Warren – Hear what she did to inspire others to get involved in the fight for Independence and what the British said about her.
Republic vs Democracy – Which one are we and why did the Founders choose it?
Patriot Art Gallery – You will be inspired by the beautiful Patriotic art and the talented and charming artist
The Cooper – How does he handmake a bucket that does not leak without using nails or glue?
Patrick Henry – Where was he when he gave his famous “Give me liberty or give me death” speech?
Sybil Luddington – Whose midnight ride was longer and more dangerous, hers or Paul Reveres?
Gouverneur Morris – Nope, not Governor, his first name is Gouverneur. What happened to his left leg and what did he do about it?
Henry Knox – He married Lucy, a loyalist and was offered a commission in the British Army, far above his station in life as a bookseller.
Abigail Adams – Married to John Adams, making her wife to one president and mother to another.
Betty Zane – Just a young girl during the Revolution, she became a heroine.
James Madison – Father of the Constitution and 4th President.
Marquis de Lafayette – French Aristocrat who helped Washington win war.
Emily Geiger – Became a spy and memorized a valuable message.
Robert Morris – Friend of Washington who helped fund the Revolutionary War
John Dickinson – Wrote the Olive Branch Petition and was a constitutional delegate
Nathan Hale – Patriot Spy and Martyr
Isaiah Thomas & his Printing Press – It is a hands-on printing press that attendees get to use
Mary Katherine Goddard – She did something no other woman in the world did.
Meet a Chandler – Make your own candle to take home for $1.00
Our Calligrapher – Learn how to letter in Calligraphy or have him write your name on a bookmark for $1.00
John Adams – 1st Vice president of the US
Lydia Darragh – Quaker mother turned spy
Blacksmith – Lots of Smithing demonstrations
Sarah Fulton Bradlee – Daughter of Liberty
Martha Washington – America’s first 1st Lady.
Hannah Millikan Blair – Patriot in Petticoat
Phillis Wheatley – 1st Black woman to be a published poet
Thomas Clark – Son of a signer who was captured and tortured by the British.
Harriet Tubman – Escaped slavery and started the Underground Railroad to rescue many other slaves.
Robert Tubman – Harriet Tubman’s brother.
Dr. Benjamin Rush – American physician, political leader, member of the Continental Congress and a signer of the Declaration of Independence.
Articles of the Constitution – Learn about the genius of the Constitution.
Dorothy Hancock – wife of the founder of the Sons of Liberty John and witnessed the Battle of Lexington
Laodicea Langston – Young girl who defended her father at her own risk
Benjamin Bennekar – A Free Black man of some amazing accomplishments.
Molly Pitcher – Took pitchers of water to the men firing cannons including her husband
Bill of Rights Activities – Learn your rights through by experiences and games
Republic vs Communism – learn the difference and why we are a Republic
Sons of The American Revolution – Visit their authentic soldier camp and march with them.
Revolutionary War Cannon and Musket demonstrations – Brace yourself every hour on the hour for live demonstrations
Candy Cannon – fired every other hour and all can participate
Frederick Douglass -Former slave to abolitionist
Veterans Speak – Hear real stories of Veterans sacrifices from real Veteran heroes.
Puppet Show of a Colonial American story
Ellis Island – Immigrate to America through Ellis Island just like 12 millions others did.
On Stage – Sing along and learn a fun patriotic song
But Wait! All this fun and FOOD too!
Food Booth – Has Hamburgers, hot dogs, Navajo Tacos, Salads, Scones & honey butter, cookies, chips, yogurt and drinks.
Food Trucks will also be there Friday Night and Saturday!
And please stop by our Colonial Book and Gift Store – Great books and gifts for all occasions.